Th P έγραψε:Τώρα δέν βλέπει το a.chm
Αυτό σημαίνει ότι δεν δίνεις καλά την διαδρομή...
Χρησιμοποίησε την αυτόματη συμπλήρωση (ΤΑΒ)
/ho TAB = /home/tha TAB=/home/thanasis/a. TAB=/home/thanasis/a.chm
Συντονιστής: adem1
Th P έγραψε:Τώρα δέν βλέπει το a.chm
thanasis@thanasis-VGN-CS11S-Q ~ $ /usr/bin/chm2pdf --book /home/thanasis/a.CHM
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/chm2pdf", line 1108, in <module>
File "/usr/bin/chm2pdf", line 1102, in main
convert_to_pdf(cfile, filename, outputfilename, options)
File "/usr/bin/chm2pdf", line 387, in convert_to_pdf
correct_file(re.sub('\\\\ ', ' ', page_filename), htmlout_filename, html_list, objective_urls, options)
File "/usr/bin/chm2pdf", line 131, in correct_file
IOError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: '/tmp/tmpQXJ52r/a/'
thanasis@thanasis-VGN-CS11S-Q ~ $
Th P έγραψε:Τώρα δίνει αυτό:
- Κώδικας: Επιλογή όλων
thanasis@thanasis-VGN-CS11S-Q ~ $ /usr/bin/chm2pdf --book /home/thanasis/a.CHM
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/chm2pdf", line 1108, in <module>
File "/usr/bin/chm2pdf", line 1102, in main
convert_to_pdf(cfile, filename, outputfilename, options)
File "/usr/bin/chm2pdf", line 387, in convert_to_pdf
correct_file(re.sub('\\\\ ', ' ', page_filename), htmlout_filename, html_list, objective_urls, options)
File "/usr/bin/chm2pdf", line 131, in correct_file
IOError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: '/tmp/tmpQXJ52r/a/'
thanasis@thanasis-VGN-CS11S-Q ~ $
Th P έγραψε:στο φάκελο /tmp/tmpQXJ52r/a/' έχουν εξαχθεί οι εικόνες του βιβλίου ανα κεφάλαιο σάν .gif καί χωριστά οι σελίδες σάν .htm
thanasis@thanasis-VGN-CS11S-Q ~ $ /usr/bin/chm2pdf --continuous /home/thanasis/a.CHM
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/chm2pdf", line 1108, in <module>
File "/usr/bin/chm2pdf", line 1102, in main
convert_to_pdf(cfile, filename, outputfilename, options)
File "/usr/bin/chm2pdf", line 387, in convert_to_pdf
correct_file(re.sub('\\\\ ', ' ', page_filename), htmlout_filename, html_list, objective_urls, options)
File "/usr/bin/chm2pdf", line 131, in correct_file
IOError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: '/tmp/tmpMD0ZXG/a/'
thanasis@thanasis-VGN-CS11S-Q ~ $
thanasis@thanasis-VGN-CS11S-Q ~ $ /usr/bin/chm2pdf --webpage /home/thanasis/a.CHM
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/chm2pdf", line 1108, in <module>
File "/usr/bin/chm2pdf", line 1102, in main
convert_to_pdf(cfile, filename, outputfilename, options)
File "/usr/bin/chm2pdf", line 387, in convert_to_pdf
correct_file(re.sub('\\\\ ', ' ', page_filename), htmlout_filename, html_list, objective_urls, options)
File "/usr/bin/chm2pdf", line 131, in correct_file
IOError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: '/tmp/tmpUAYCpX/a/'
thanasis@thanasis-VGN-CS11S-Q ~ $
έγραψε:there is no need for that...
i decompiled the chm file and used htmldoc did the trick.
i had tried almost all the available options on windows...but this worked way better than anyone of them!
Th P έγραψε:αλλά γιά το html-doc ο synaptic βγάζει ένα κατεβατό επιλογές, τί νά επιλέξω?
Th P έγραψε:πώς γίνεται το `decompile the chm file and use htmldoc manually`
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