Δημοσιεύτηκε: 07 Ιούλ 2009, 12:37
από Ntelispak
Μετατροπή wma σε mp3
08/07/2009: Διόρθωση, έτσι ώστε να μεταφέρεται και το είδος. Thanks to: sokoban4ever
Η καινούργια έκδοση, πολύ πιο γρήγορη χωρίς ενδιάμεση μετατροπή σε wav και διατηρεί και τα tags. Χρησιμοποιεί ffmpeg αντί για mplayer και lame. Θα κοιτάξω μήπως το ντύσω με zenity κάποια στιγμή
Κώδικας: Επιλογή όλων
################################## wma2mp3.sh ##################################
# Author : Karapanagiotis Pantelis #
# Released On : Tuesday 07 July 2009 #
# Version : 0.2 #
# Desription : Converts all wma files in the current folder to mp3 ones. It #
# is able to convert all files, independently of the characters #
# contained in their names. Track tags are preserved after the #
# conversion process. #
# Dependencies : This script depends on ffmpeg to recode the original wma to #
# a mp3 one. You need to have an ffmpeg installation with mp3 #
# encoding and the mp3lame library enabled. The line commands #
# for enabling these options during configuration of the #
# installation are --enable-libmp3lame and --enable-encoder=mp3.#
# The script will otherwise not work. For more information check#
# with the ffmpeg website. It also depends on python and #
# specifically on the mutagen module. Install in debian-like #
# enviroments with sudo apt-get install python3 #
# You also need to have the accompanying python scrint that #
# copies tags from the original files. The tagcop.py is also #
# published under GNU License #
# Usage : In order to avoid copying the file to every folder you want to#
# use it, do the following: #
# sudo cp wma2mp3.sh /usr/local/bin/wma2mp3 #
# sudo cp tagcop.py /usr/local/bin/tagcop #
# cd /usr/local/bin #
# sudo chmod +x tagcop #
# sudo chmod +x wma2mp3 #
# Then cp to the folder you want to use the script and call #
# wma2mp3 #
# TODO : >>Check if user aborted some conversions >>Let user choose #
# bitrare. >>Enable more conversions #
# COPYRIGHT : This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or #
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as#
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of#
# the License, or (at your option) any later version. This #
# program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but#
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #

echo Executing $(basename $0)

#Variable Declarations

#Converting wma to mp3
for i in *.wma; do
found=$(expr $found + 1)
mv "$i" temp.wma
ffmpeg -i temp.wma -y -qscale 1 -ab 192k -ar 48000 -ac 2 temp.mp3

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "$i" successfully converted to "${i%.wma}.mp3"
converted=$(expr $converted + 1)
echo failed recoding "$i"

mv temp.mp3 "${i%.wma}.mp3"
mv temp.wma "$i"

#Copying Tags from original files
tagcop "$i" "${i%.wma}.mp3"

#Removing temporary files
rm -r temp.wav

echo $converted\\$found files successfully converted
echo Would you like to remove the files with wma extension? [y\\n]?

#Remove wma file if y is given
while read inputline; do
if [ $in == y ] || [ $in = n ]; then
if [ $in == y ]; then
echo Removing all files with wma extension:
find $pwd -name \*.wma -print -delete
echo Unexpected input sequence. Pleaze try again: [y\\n]?

echo Exiting $(basename $0)

Τα mp3 που παράγονται έχουν πολύ υψηλή ανάλυση που σημαίνει οτι ποιάνουν και πολύ χώρο. Το τελικό αρχείο δεν μπορεί να έχει καλύτερη πιότητα ήχου από το αρχικό. Για να μειώσετε το bitrate, για παράδειγμα σε 128kbits/s, και την sampling frequency σε 48.000Hz (πιο πάνω είναι 96.000Hz επιδή ο ήχος έιναι δικάναλος) αντικαταστείστε την αντίστοιχη γραμμή του wma2mp3.sh με αυτή:
fmpeg -i temp.wma -y -qscale 1 -ab 128k -ar 24000 -ac 2 temp.mp3

Για να μην χαθούν τα tags χρειάζεται και αυτό. Είναι scriptάκι python και όχι shell
Κώδικας: Επιλογή όλων
#!/usr/bin/env python
################################## tagcop.py ###################################
# Author : Karapanagiotis Pantelis #
# Released On : Tuesday 07 July 2009 #
# Version : 0.1.1 #
# Desription : Copies tags from a wma to a mp3 audio file. #
# Dependencies : Uses mutagen module #
# Usage : Call with tagcop.py filename.wma filename.mp3 #
# COPYRIGHT : This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or #
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as#
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of#
# the License, or (at your option) any later version. This #
# program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but#
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #

#Loading Modules
from mutagen.asf import ASF
from mutagen.mp3 import MP3
from mutagen.id3 import ID3, TIT2, TPE1, TALB, TCOM, TRCK, TYER, TCON
from sys import argv, exit
import os

#Checking Command Line Arguments
if len(argv) != 3:
print("Wrong number of command line arguments. Two arguments must be used.")

#Checking File Extensions
if argv[1][-3:] != "wma":
print("First argument must be of wma type")
if argv[2][-3:] != "mp3":
print("Second argument must be of mp3 type")

wma_fname = os.getcwd() + '/' + argv[1]
mp3_fname = os.getcwd() + '/' + argv[2]

wma = ASF(wma_fname)
mp3 = MP3(mp3_fname)

#Copying Tags
mp3['TRCK'] = TRCK(encoding=3, text=wma['WM/TrackNumber'])
mp3['TIT2'] = TIT2(encoding=3, text=wma['Title'])
mp3['TPE1'] = TPE1(encoding=3, text=wma['Author'])
mp3['TALB'] = TALB(encoding=3, text=wma['WM/AlbumTitle'])
mp3['TCOM'] = TCOM(encoding=3, text=wma['WM/Composer'])
mp3['TYER'] = TYER(encoding=3, text=wma['WM/Year'])
mp3['TCON'] = TCON(encoding=3, text=wma['WM/Genre'])


Spoiler: show
Δυστυχώς υπάρχει ασυμβατότητα μεταξύ των tags των wma και των mp3 στο πεδίο των ειδών και δεν μπόρεσα να το κάνω να διατηρείται.
08/07/2009: Δεν ισχύει κάτι τέτοιο.